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How to send SMS

With DataKnowl, sending SMS (text-only message) has never been easier! Before sending, make sure you have enough credit to cover the cost of the SMS message.

As a first step, click on the SMS icon , in the side menu [1].

You will find the Identities and the Numbers list, approved for sending SMS as originator / sender. An originator/sender ID is a name or a phone number from which the message is sent.

Note: if the list is empty, to send SMS you have to request a new sender identity (e.g. company name or brand name), or a new phone number. To request a new alphanumeric sender identity (Alphanumeric ID), follow the guide "Get your Alphanumeric Sender ID for SMS".

When you want to send an SMS message click on the Quick Send SMS link [2] in the "Resources” section. With this feature you can quickly send SMS to one contact number, without using a template.

Fill in the required fields:

  • From: enter the sender ID (identity or number) from which the message is sent (e.g. DataKnowl) [3].
  • To: enter the number of the SMS recipient (E.164 number formatting). The recipient is the person who will receive the SMS message. If your recipient is located in the US, you would format their phone number to be +1 415 000 000 [4].
  • Message: enter the text you wish to communicate to your recipient, keeping in mind that SMS messages have a 160 character limit [5].

and click on the Send message button [6].

Your SMS is added to the delivery queue and is immediately sent to the recipient’s number. If you want to send out a new SMS message, click on the Send now link [7], otherwise, click on the Dashboard icon [8], in the side menu, to return to the homepage.

Related Questions:

How can I send SMS messages with DataKnowl ?

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